Then we got busy. First Daddy washed the car with the boys. At first I was just going to have Daddy and Jacob wash the cars, but Ephraim was pretty upset about being left inside with Mommy while all the fun was happening outside! So I went out with Ephraim and watched the action.
The boys helped Daddy scrub down the car.

Jacob was pretty good about cleaning the car. After a minute or two Ephraim would lose interest and drop his scrubber, but I could help get him interested again (at least long enough to snap some photos!).

Who knew it would also do such a nice job of parting his hair?

After the car washing I cleaned up in the kitchen and then we all went a did a little shopping. One of the things we got was a flip lock for the back door. Now I don't have to worry about certain small people leaving the house in the morning when I'm not looking or taking a shower!
We were having a bit of a grumpy morning, so when we got our essential shopping done we came home and ate lunch. Then I went on a 23 mile bike ride during Ephraim's nap. It was a nice ride, but a little warm outside (anything over 80 is hot for me to ride in).
Then later on I cut Joe's hair and he cut the boys. They are all nice and short now!
In the evening after dinner, Joe helped me do a little canning. We canned some lovely plum jam, and I hope it tastes as good as it looks!
What a busy day!
I'm sure it was a busy day, but it sure looks like you had fun!