Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Day the Binky Disappeared Forever

Earlier this month I took the boys to their awesome pediatrician for their well-visits (Jacob for his three year and Ephraim for his 15 month). Both boys were growing well and doing just fine. The shots were not fun, but we got them over with and everyone survived.

What surprised me the most was when the doctor asked me, "Is he a binky boy?" about Ephraim. I hadn't thought about it too much, but Ephraim really does like his binky. He always had it at naps and bedtime, and randomly throughout the day you would find him with a binky in his mouth.

The doctor told me that I needed to restrict the binky and think about getting rid of it because it was starting to affect Ephraim's front teeth. So I told Joe about it, and we have only let Eli have a binky when he is in his crib for the past month.

We took Jacob's binky away when he was 15 months old, so we figured Ephraim was about due. I don't think that children who can talk shouldn't have a plug in their mouth, you know? Last time Joe was the one who took the initiative and said, "No more binky" and Jacob basically went cold turkey, which worked for him.

Yesterday I told Joe that the same thing might have to happen again because it was hard for me to want to take the binky away. I liked the fact that I could put Ephraim to bed and he would basically lay there and be quiet, contentedly sucking on his bink.

So last night Daddy put Ephraim to bed-- without his binky.

Since I believe in consistency, once he took the binky away, it is just gone. So today I put Ephraim down for naps sans binky. I was dreading this day, but you know what? It wasn't that bad! Ephraim cried about it for a couple of minutes and then settled down and went to sleep.

So we are done! No more binkies-- hooray!
Thanks Joe for helping me out with this one. :o)

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