Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Auntie Em and the Dinosaur Museum

While Emily was visiting she spent most of the day on Tuesday (July 14th) with us. We decided to go to the dinosaur museum with the boys.

Before we left that morning my friend Julie came and gave me a haircut. I got my hair cut shorter for all the warm weather we have been having. Plus it is just easier to do. I think it turned out pretty well and I have had a lot of compliments about it.

Anyway, on to the dinosaurs!

Jacob had a great time at the museum. I explained to him beforehand that we would be seeing just dinosaur bones. I didn't want him to be disappointed that we didn't see live dinosaurs (what else would you expect to see at a dinosaur museum?)!

I actually forgot my camera, so I had to borrow Auntie Em's. We brought both of the strollers so that Emily got to push around Jacob and I got to push around Ephraim. The double stroller is nice, but it doesn't actually fit in the trunk of my car, but this arrangement worked out just fine.

We walked around the museum, with Jacob getting out frequently to look at the exhibits. Here is a picture of Jacob sitting by some cool bones (I'm pretty sure it's a dimetrodon)

Neither of the boys thought that the dinosaur bones at the museum were scary at all. Especially after Mommy showed them how brave she is.

We had a great time with the hands-on exhibits... even the ones that might not have been meant to be hands-on!

Here is Ephraim sitting on top of the lower leg bone of a big dinosaur (I think it was a Supersaurus). In our defense, there wasn't a sign anywhere near here that said to keep off the display (which is good because we sure didn't keep off... we had a lot of fun on it as a matter of fact!)

The other part of the museum that Jacob really enjoyed was the "Erosion Table". He got to play with sand, water, and plastic dinosaurs and trees. Really what more could a little boy want? Auntie Em and Mommy even got in on the action.

Poor Ephraim on the other hand did not.

Are you sure I can't play in the sand? I promise I won't eat it (this time)!

I swear my hands smelled like chlorine the rest of the day from playing in the erosion table. The not-so-fun consequence of playing in the water was that Jacob had a bit of an accident. He either spilled water on his pants, or he peed in them a little (I'm pretty sure it was the latter). Of course the museum is a bit dark, so we only discovered this fact after we tried to sit Jacob on Emily's lap for a picture a little later!

Not this picture.

We had a great time at the museum. I even got Emily to take my picture by my favorite dinosaur again, this time with Ephraim. (Good thing we took a picture, because now I can tell you that this dino is an Archelon Ischyros.)

In August they are going to be have $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving point, so we'll probably go to the Dinosaur Museum again, but it won't be nearly as much fun without Auntie Em!

1 comment:

  1. I have got to get my girls to the museum. It looks like you had a great time and I can't believe we've never gone. Shall we hit one of those $2 Tuesdays together?
