On the morning of the Fourth we found a little visitor in our yard. Actually, Joe spotted this not-so-little guy hanging out on our garage door.

The idea of a pet snail was not too appealing to me. Besides, I don't really know what they eat or what happens to them in the winter anyway. We went next door to show him to Will and then we released him back into the "wild"... a good distance from our house.
Then halfway through the day we had a brainstorm and realized that the Websters were home and didn't appear to have plans. So we invited them over for dinner too. We really should invite people over more often because we have such a great time whenever we get together with friends.
We had good food, played games and the boys got nice and messy in the sand box. Nathan Davis actually poured sand on Ephraim and Jacob's heads at some point because he is not versed in our sandbox rules as of yet. It was kind of funny, and I ended up rinsing the boys off before bed.
Of course after dinner when it got dark we headed off to our local fireworks show.
I have always wanted to take pictures of fireworks, but up until now I have never had a camera that could do a decent job of it. Now that I have my Canon XSi, I was determined to try it this year.
So Joe and I did some research on what settings to use, etc. Then we went to our chosen location, set up our tripod and started shooting. I think we ended up with some really nice photos!

I am not usually a fan of fireworks. I like the bigger shows put on by cities and towns, but not really the fireworks that go on in the neighborhoods. They seem more noisy and annoying than exciting to me.
But I have to say that I enjoyed the fireworks this year more than most... and I have something to show for it.
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