Not only did we have a huge snail visit us this year, more recently we had another visitor to our backyard. While I was at work last night Joe and Jacob spotted a praying mantis while doing yard work. Joe picked it up on his spade and transferred it to a mason jar so that I could see it and take photographs of it today.
Jacob was absolutely fascinated with the praying mantis. Of course he wanted to keep it as a pet, but I told him we would let it live in our garden. So we got ready to let him go, but first we had to watch him for a while.

I opened the lid of the jar expecting the mantis to make a run for it. I was going to try to get as many pictures as I could before he scrambled off the picnic table. Surprisingly he just sat there at the edge of the jar. It was almost like he was asleep.

I kept getting closer and closer until I got to the point that my camera lens would no longer focus. But I suppose I got close enough.

I wish I had a macro lens... but I have to say that my camera does a pretty nice job regardless!
The mantis never did consent to leave the jar. So I took the jar to the garden and ended up tipping him out, and we haven't seen him since.
Nice pictures!!! You are getting amazing!