Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What was in Your Easter Basket?

We hope you had a fun Easter! The boys had a great time.

The Easter Bunny left some pretty fun things in the boys' Easter Buckets.

Jacob got a Buzz Lightyear kite, four picture puzzles, and some mini construction equipment. Ephraim got a Little People School Bus. Of course they got some Easter eggs filled with candy, a chocolate bunny, and marshmallow chicks!

Jacob was so excited about the construction equipment!

He has been playing with them constantly ever since we opened them. I guess the Easter Bunny found just the right thing for playing indoors on rainy spring days.

Ephraim was so excited about the bus! He just knew that it was for him! He could hardly wait for Daddy to open it.

He even started saying "Buh! Buh!" that morning. So I guess the Easter Bunny picked the right thing for him too!

The boys have been enjoying their Easter presents... so what was in your Easter basket?