This morning we woke up to a winter wonderland. Not only did we keep all the snow from yesterday, but we also got several more inches overnight. I think we had about 5-6 inches of snow on our lawn.

So I grabbed my camera and ran outside before the sun came out and melted all the snow off the trees. It was pretty incredible outside!

The trees were absolutely coated with snow.

Though I wasn't happy about the snow, I did think that it looked amazing!
I bet the birds were a bit surprised by all the white stuff too. I got out my zoom lens and managed to get a couple of pictures of the birds out on our trees.
When I got back to the house Jacob said, "Mommy, I was thinking about making a snow angel."
At first I didn't really want to go outside to play in the snow, but then I thought, "Why not? How often do you get to make a snow angel in April?"
So I bundled Jacob up and we went outside.
He had a terrific time making his April Snow Angels.
Then he was off and "dashing through the snow". Can you see that the snow almost goes to his knees?!
Then Jacob would fall down on his tummy in the snow and laugh. He thought it was great.
I ran back inside to put Ephraim in his snow suit. It was a bit too small, but I figured it wouldn't really matter. He wouldn't be wearing it for too long.
At first Ephraim couldn't get the hang of walking around in the snow, but he didn't seem to mind crawling on his tummy. Jacob meanwhile was running all over the place...
just being silly in general and having a blast.
I am so happy that we have reached the point where Jacob doesn't mind having his picture taken. He actually wants me to pay attention to him and asks me to take his picture. I certainly don't mind because he is a cutie!

Ephraim did figure out how to walk around in the little snow suit. He was intrigued by all the white stuff. I tried to get some good pictures of him, but he is pretty fast.

When I sat Ephraim down to try to get a picture, he instantly tried to get back up. He ended up falling forward into the snow on his face, which he definitely wasn't happy about!
Ephraim was done with the snow after that, so we all went inside. I think you can tell from the back yard that the boys had a good time this morning.
Now the snow is nearly all melted! Joe and I are hoping to get in some long bike rides this weekend, so I hope we don't get any more snow! They are actually calling for temperatures in the 70s by Monday. How crazy is that?
Yeah. I wish the snow would go away too. I was mean. My kids never made it outside because I had too much to do! How sad!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed you got the boys all outfitted and let them play. Good job Mommy. My girls had to hibernate.
ReplyDeleteI thought it looked beautiful too. I let the kids out to play in the snow too, they loved it. And I figure I should let them enjoy the snow one last time.