Over the weekend we bought a new tripod, courtesy of Grandpa Devereaux (Thanks!!). Joe and I were both excited to get one so that we will be able to take our own family photos if we need to, and I will be able to do a better job of taking photos for others.
This morning the boys were being so cute in the tub, and I was trying to take some photos. Joe got out the tripod and set it up in the bathroom at the boys level. Here are some of the fun photos that we got this morning.

Jacob was being so cute and cooperative! Hopefully it goes this well at our next family photo session!

Trying to get both of the boys looking nice is still going to be a challenge though!

For some reason Ephraim got upset, but I thought the pictures of him being sad were actually darn cute.

Besides, he wasn't sad for very long!

What a cute pair of boys we have, don't you think!
Oooo...tripod. I'm jealous!