Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wet Snowy Wednesday: a Picture Post

Yesterday was a wet, slushy, snowy day outside. So we tried to make the best of it by playing and having fun inside.

First we had another Easter egg hunt. This time Ephraim got to participate. I tried to help him find eggs and put them in his bucket, but he was mostly interested in opening them.

And why not? All the good stuff is inside, right?

Rather quickly we had jellybeans spilled all over the carpet. I guess now I know why they taped the eggs shut for the Easter egg hunt we went to at Macey's.


Ephraim also figured out that the fastest way to get eggs was from Jacob's basket!

Jacob did a great job finding all the eggs. We may be playing this game again in the coming weeks when the weather isn't great. :o)

I ran outside to take some pictures of my tulips in the snow.

Of course Jacob wanted to come too. He thought it was funny that we were having snow again.

Last night Joe ended up coming home pretty late because he was teaching a class about Virtualization. So I got to keep the boys amused all day and all evening.

Actually, they were pretty amusing. Jacob and I made brownies together. At one point he left and came back in the room and I noticed something funny. Can you spot what's wrong with this photo?

Nope. Not the moose antlers. Are you sure you can't tell what's wrong? Does this photo help?

If you haven't gotten it by now, this picture should get your rear in gear.

Yep. Jacob went to the bathroom and came back with his pants on backwards. He and I both thought it was pretty funny because he hasn't ever done that before! What a silly boy!

1 comment:

  1. Jacob's pants on backwards made me giggle! Those are some pretty funny pictures!
