Saturday, September 8, 2012

Soccer Game

One of the highlights of our weekends in the Fall are Jacob's soccer games. Every Saturday we have to organize our day around the time of his game. He really enjoys playing and has a lot of fun.

I don't get to watch quite as much as I used to now that Amelia is mobile. You really have to keep an eye on her because she has fast little feet and will make it pretty far away before you even know it! I did manage to get some good pictures this week though.

This year we are playing on a new field and we really like it. The field is closer to home, is a little bigger, and is more level than the field was last year.

I debated about whether or not to sign Ephraim up for soccer, but he doesn't really watch Jacob's games or show a lot of interest. So we told him that he can wait until he is 5 to play soccer.

So far our first week of school has gone pretty well. It was a little strange at first having Ephraim gone during the mornings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But I have plenty to do to keep busy! Ephraim is adjusting to his new preschool pretty well. While he is gone I try to go grocery shopping and do other errands. That way I only have to take Amelia. It is also fun to spend some time alone with my little girl.

1 comment:

  1. So, Sara has the EXACT same uniform. Same number even. Gotta love soccer!
