Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sleepy Kiddos

This week as we have been adjusting to our school and preschool schedule, I managed to get some really cute pictures of the kids sleeping.

I guess I should say I caught pictures of Ephraim and Amelia sleeping, since Jacob is at school all day long!

Ephraim is such a heavy sleeper! Whenever he gets SO tired that he decides to take a nap, I have no problem sneaking in and taking pictures of him. Most of the time he doesn't even flinch.

Amelia is much more difficult to take pictures of! She tends to wake up when she hears the click of the camera, so I often don't even try to take her picture because I will wake her up.

I managed to snap this picture of her and her bear just before she was going to sleep. It is blurry because I was trying to hurry! Then there was one afternoon that she was so tired that I dared to take some pictures.

What a pretty girl! As you can see, her piggy tails are pretty long. She is also starting to grow a bunch more hair in the front.

I usually pull her hair back because it is getting pretty long and tends to flop into her face. Then she can't see a thing. Amelia also has beautiful eye lashes, just like her brothers.

I just love these pictures of my baby girl asleep. I think my kids look so angelic when they are sleeping!

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