Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Preschool

This year is the first time that I will actually be sending one of my kids to preschool. Last year I taught preschool for Ephraim as part of a cooperative group. At the end of the year it was apparent that the group was not going to last another year. So we found a preschool for Ephraim to go to.

I think it will be good for him to go to a more "formal" preschool. Plus he will probably be able to make friends with some of the kids that will be going to Kindergarten with him at Mount Mahogany next year, which will be nice.

Today was Ephraim's very first day of preschool. So of course we had to break out the sign and take some pictures.

Isn't he a handsome boy? He was very excited and a little nervous to go to preschool. I think I am also a little excited and nervous for him to go to preschool! He won't know any of the other kids in preschool, so that will be a bit different for him.

I am hopeful that he really enjoys it and has a good time! He is such a smart boy and already knows his letters and their sounds. I think that this year while Jacob is in school and Ephraim is at home I will work on teaching Ephraim to read. He loves books, so hopefully he enjoys learning how to read them.

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