Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Utah Lake is Yucky.

I have a friend who regularly posts beautiful pictures of her children playing on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. It always looks so enticing with the sand and sun... just like going to the beach! So I thought it would be fun to take the kids down to Utah Lake and play in the water.

Turns out this was not such a good idea after all. The water at the edge of the lake was murky, and muddy. The boys kept getting their flip flops stuck. So they tried to take them off. They told me the lake bottom was all slimy and gross- yuck! Plus there was all sorts of sticks and debris

Poor Miss Amelia fell on her bum, and I had to rinse her off in the lake water. She was NOT happy about that. In the end, the boys probably played in the water for less than 5 minutes.

Then we gave up and decided to go to Sonic and get ice cream cones instead. On the drive home the van smelled all swampy and gross. So we had ice cream cones and then baths! Oh what fun.

Looks like we will have to find our water fun elsewhere this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Lets go to the Great Salt Lake together this summer! It's on our list of "to dos" as well!
