Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer at the Splash Pad

While looking for fun things to do this summer, I came upon a list of all the splash pads in Utah. Since they are free I figured it was worth checking them out.

Thursday I thought we were going to go to story time at the library, but when we got there we found out that there was no story time because we missed the opening party that was held earlier in the week. Drat! The boys were so disappointed!

So after lunch we headed out to the Highland City splash pad.

Looks like fun, huh?
We were probably there at the busiest time of the day, so there were plenty of other kids for the boys to play with. They had so much fun!

It was a little harder to convince Amelia that she wanted to get near the fountains of water spraying out of the ground. So instead I took her to the "river" area.

She started out by just getting her feet wet. Before long she was all wet. Then she decided she could go check out the splash pad after all.

It was so fun to watch her touch the water to see what it would do.

Some of the water spouts were short and some were tall. She mostly stayed towards the outer ring of the splash pad where the spouts were a little shorter and sprayed less. But she sure had fun playing in the water!

Jacob and Ephraim had a blast! They ran around together and checked in with me now and then. That way I could watch Amelia and help her out.

The boys loved playing on the splash pad and playing on the rocks in the river.

We stayed at the splash pad for nearly two hours and the boys did not get tired of it. They were sad when it was time to leave.

There is another splash pad in Alpine that we will have to check out. I have a feeling we may be visiting one of these locations once a week or so this summer!

Next week we start swimming lessons, which should be fun. I may even do a Mom and tot class with Amelia for one of the sessions. I think she would really like it, even if I don't really want to get in my swimsuit every day for two weeks!