Sunday, June 24, 2012

Strawberry Days Parade

Saturday morning I decided to brave the crowds and take the kids to see the Strawberry Days Parade. I was not sure how easy it would be to find a spot to watch the parade, since we have seen chairs out on the parade route since Tuesday!

Luckily we ran into another member of the Stake Primary Presidency, and she told us to sit next to her. So the boys had a front row seat for the parade!

Good thing I brought an umbrella for the boys. It was HOT outside. I also took Amelia in the single stroller and brought plenty of water!

One of our favorite parts of the parade was the motorcycle police. They were COOL!

They rode in different formations, did figure 8s down the street and even gave kids on the parade route high fives! So fun. Plus they had their sirens on the whole time.

We also got to see some fun vehicles, like this old fire truck.

Of course there were some marching bands, and it was fun for the boys to watch them marching down the street.

There were also a few cool floats. This one was our favorite.

You can't have a parade in Utah without a few tractors!

My boys really loved the Macey's float. It had four singing heads, and they got some otter pops from the people walking along next to the float.

Of course we had to cheer for the UVU float, all green and gold and sparkly!

The only thing that would have made the parade better would have been more floats and CLOUDS. It was really hot outside. We left a little bit early and headed home before the traffic got crazy. The kids had fun, but there were a few parts of the parade that they said where "boring". So we will have to see if they want to go again next year!


  1. LOL! You have a picture of my nephew marching in the band! What fun to go to the parade!

  2. How Fun! I remember parades when I was a kid, they were good memories. Your Dad thinks all the parade is boring so I don't get to go to parades like I did when I was a kid.
