Friday, June 29, 2012

Swimming Session One Done!

At the end of this week we wrapped up our first session of swimming lessons. We had a good time swimming every day, but I am glad to be done for a couple of weeks.

I brought my camera this week and had a friend take pictures of Amelia and me swimming together.

She really did enjoy playing in the water. I think she enjoyed wading in the shallow end more than she enjoyed swimming in deeper water with mommy. She kept trying to push away from me as if she wanted to strike out on her own! Silly girl. Here we are practicing Amelia's glide.

The boys have really enjoyed lessons and have been progressing really well. I am glad that we started lessons when they are young because they are really becoming adept little swimmers.

Jacob was really disappointed that he did not pass Level 2 this time. His teacher said he was really close, but he isn't quite ready. I told him that he should be proud of himself because Level 2 is where they learn a lot of the strokes and it is the hardest one to pass. He should be proud that he almost passed after only taking it once!

I think the next session Amelia and I will be sitting out on the side. She had fun, but I wouldn't say that she loved it. We will probably do Mom and Tot again next year.

For the next session, Amelia and I will hang out by the side of the pool. She actually enjoys sitting in the single stroller so it shouldn't be too bad.

Of course at the end of swimming lessons we had water slide day!

Ephraim was lucky because he got to go down quite a few times. There were fewer students in Preschool Level 2 than there were in Jacob's Level 2 class.

 Jacob was disappointed because he only got to go down once. He wasn't quite tall enough to go down by himself so he had to wait for his turn to go down with his teacher. Hopefully next year he will get there and then he can go down as many times as he would like.

It cracks me up that Jacob was covering his eyes the one time he got to go down the slide! No wonder he wanted to go again.

Of course at the end of our session I had to have the kids pose for their poolside shot. Here are the best pictures I got of my three little fish.

Aren't they the cutest? You will have to excuse Ephraim for not smiling. He was bent out of shape because he forgot to get his goggles back from me after he went down the water slide. So he didn't get to wear them for the rest of his last lesson. Oh the horror! Kids are so silly sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. You sure had a lot of fun in the sun! What a fun thing to do in the summer.
