Saturday, May 5, 2012

My First Mammogram

Yesterday was the day I went in for my first mammogram. After my initial panic attack at the thought of getting a mammogram and possibly having cancer, I managed to remain surprisingly calm the remainder of the week.

I was a bit nervous, having heard all the cold-and-painful-squishing horror stories. I have to say that it wasn't really that bad. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but I would not call it painful.

The nurses were very kind, and I have to say that the scariest part was probably the machine. It looked a little intimidating.

I am happy to say that the procedure was quick and so were the results! My mammogram and ultrasound were completely clear. They could not even find a cyst! The doctor said that he does not need to see me again until I am 40! I was so happy that I practically ran out the door.

I am so thankful that I got a clean bill of health! My grandmother died of breast cancer before she was 50 years old. I was very young when she died and barely remember her. I did not want that for my baby girl or my two boys. I am so grateful for the medical technology that is currently available to give me the peace of mind to know that all is well.

Next time I won't be nervous for my mammogram and I plan to go faithfully every year after 40. It is definitely worth it because then I can know for sure that I will continue to be there for my family.

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