Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Kiddie Pool

Monday I filled up our small pool since the temperatures are supposed to be in the 80s this week. The boys were so excited to get to play in the pool! They played in the pool Monday evening, even though I warned them that the water would be COLD. Silly boys.

Then last night I let Amelia get in too. She thought it was pretty fun to play in the pool. I was just laughing because the boys were following her around in the pool, cooing at her and trying to play with her. They sure love their sister!

Of course we have to watch Amelia in the pool because it is slippery. As you can see from her wet hair, she fell down more than once and Mommy had to fish her out of the water. I got her up quickly, so she wasn't too freaked out about getting all wet.

Look at Jacob trying to make sure she doesn't fall. What a great brother! You can see that he doesn't have a band-aid on his chin anymore too- hooray!


  1. I'm glad Amelia liked the pool. It looks like she had a great time. I love how the boys look after her.
