Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Getting Stitches

Holy cow! What a day.

This afternoon the boys were riding their bikes over at their friend Nathan's house. They live right next door to the new church building, so the kids like to go ride their bikes in the parking lot.

I was about to call Brancy and see if the boys wanted to come play at our house, since they had been at her house for a while. Brancy called me first and told me that I had better come over with the car and get Jacob. He had taken a fall on his bike and banged up his chin pretty bad.

I was hoping it wasn't that bad, but when I saw his chin I was pretty sure he would need stitches. Joe had just come home when I was on my way over to their house, so he stayed home with the kids while I took Jacob to the pediatrician's office.

Of course Jacob did not want to go, but he was pretty calmed down by the time we got there. The nurses took us back to the room and put some numbing gel on Jacob's chin. Then we got to sit there and watch Peter Pan for a while. When the RN came to check it out, she said it would need stitches. I was texting Joe the info and he told me to take before and after pictures!

I have to admit I was having a hard time even watching, so one of the assistant nurses took this picture for me with my phone.

Ugh! That's quite the wound, huh?

I was so impressed with the nurses and with how well Jacob did! Last time we were there to get his cut glued, he screamed nearly the entire time. This time he did not make a fuss at all. Hooray for numbing gel, and the nurse Kathy had an awesome bedside manner! She really put Jacob at ease. In no time he had 9 stitches in his chin.

He would ask her "What are you doing?" and she would say, "Oh, I'm just giving you whiskers like Daddy!". He was so brave! I was the one who was nearly crying, watching them sew up his little chin.

Kathy told me that the reason Jacob's chin looked so bad was that he scraped it up in addition to the gash. She told me that I needed to keep polysporin and  a bandaid on it for the next week and then come back to get the stitches removed.

When we got home Jacob did not really feel like eating, so I went and got him a Frosty before Daddy went to scouts. Then we just spend a quiet evening at home watching a movie. We definitely had enough excitement for one day!


  1. Wow! What an experience. I'm sure it's one you don't want to repeat. I'm glad it was just minor.

  2. Oh, those pictures give me the willies. Yoikes!
