Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Day at the Park

The boys have been dying to go to the park. We haven't really had any snow, but the weather has been a bit chilly. Today the weather was finally nice, so we decided to take a trip to the park in the afternoon.

I admit that I had ulterior motives. I needed some pictures for the scavenger hunt that I regularly participate in, and I figured the park would be a better place for pictures than our house.

First I took some pictures of Amelia in a hat that I crocheted. Isn't she a cutie?

The best part was that when I set her down under the tree or in the leaves she did not crawl away because she didn't want to touch the leaves or pine needles. She would put her hands down and then immediately pick them back up again!

So I actually got her to sit still for a little while. I love her grin with those two little bottom teeth!

Jacob finally agreed to pose for me in his superman cape. He would wear it for me earlier in the week, and we actually got into a little argument about it. He was being a grouch and hurt my feelings by telling me that he didn't like the cape that I made him so I told him he could give it back to me and I would give it to a little boy that would appreciate it more. Oh the drama (on both of our parts). Of course Jacob didn't really mean it, he just didn't want to pose for me. So we worked it all out and here are the resulting pictures.

Doesn't he make a great superhero? I just love these pictures, and don't even mind that I had to lay down on the ground to get them!


  1. Amelia is so cute with that hat on, her little nose is a tad red and it's to cute.

  2. Those are both soooo cool! I gotta get a lesson from you on those capes!
