Thursday, February 23, 2012

Monster Preschool and No Power

Then today was a bit of a crazy day. When we woke up the power was off. Apparently it had gone off in the middle of the night, and when we called they said it would not be on until after 1 pm. Ugh!

There was a big wind storm last night and apparently there was a problem with a power pole. It was 63 degrees in our house when we got up, and I was supposed to have preschool at our house. Since we don't want the kids to freeze, I had to call around and arrange for a new location. Luckily Karyn was OK with having preschool at her house. So I gathered up my stuff and headed to her house.

We had to take a little detour because the street by the cemetery was blocked.

Ephraim and Ty really enjoyed seeing the fire truck and utility trucks!

Preschool went really well at Karyn's house. I had a ton of really great monster books and the kids wanted to read them all! I even had a flannel storyboard that I borrowed from the library for "The Big Green Monster". It was a lot of fun.

For the craft, we made paint-blob monsters. I let the kids choose the colors they wanted, and put drops of paint on the folded paper. Then they closed the paper and smeared the paint around inside, making colorful paint blobs. We let them dry a little bit and then added googly eyes, pom-poms and stickers. Didn't they turn out great?!

Of course I had to put Ephraim's monster up on the refrigerator. I think it is totally cool.

We ended up going to Melinda's house for lunch because the power was still out when I stopped at home after preschool. She let us play for a little while, and then when I took the kids home the power was FINALLY on. Hooray!

Poor Amelia was a bit tired. She did not get her usual morning nap, and she was very ready to go to bed. I finally got to take a shower and get ready for work. It was a bit of a crazy day.

Speaking of crazy, later this afternoon I noticed a little something in our flower beds out front:

Can you believe that my flowers are starting to come up? Crocuses and daffodils,  in February?! Now that really is a little bit crazy.


  1. Pretty amazing that your crocus are up. I can't wait to come and see them. It's pretty crazy to be without power for most of a day. Makes you appreciate a warm house.
