Friday, February 24, 2012

Health and Safety Week= Craziness for Mommy

This week is Health and Safety week at Jacob's school. For some reason this means that there are different days for the kids to dress up or wear something special. So Wednesday was "crazy hair or crazy sock day". I don't know if you noticed, but my boys have pretty short hair. When I asked Jacob if he wanted to spray his hair some fun color and his response was, "No way!".

No problem, right? He can just wear crazy socks. Um... did I mention that my boys only own socks that are white and grey? They also have black socks for church... boring! So on Tuesday night while Joe was teaching at UVU (he had to teach on Tuesday because Monday was President's Day), we were running around the stores trying to find crazy socks.

Melinda recommended that we look at Target or the dollar store. We went to Target first, but they didn't really have much of a selection. Then we went to the Dollar Tree. They had TONS of colorful socks. Here are the ones that we settled on.

Fun huh? Jacob absolutely loved them and was excited about getting such crazy socks. Then when he put them on he said, "I can't wear these! The kids will laugh at me."

I told Jacob to trust me in that nobody would laugh at him because there would be people looking much more crazy than he did! Of course I was right. He wore his crazy socks on Wednesday with sandals so the kids could see his socks and he said it went great. He was definitely not the craziest  kid in his classroom that day.

Then on Thursday it was Sports Day or Fitness day or something. Anyway, Jacob wore Joe's old soccer jersey, and I thought he looked really cute.

He wore long sleeves underneath because it has been a bit cold here lately. Apparently lots of kids wore sports jerseys, so Jacob felt right at home.

Then Friday was Hat Day. Instead of having Jacob wear a boring baseball cap, we let him pick one out of the dress up box. With Daddy's help he chose the explorer hat, and wore it to school. I did not get a picture of him in it, but I couldn't help but laugh when I went to pick him up from school. I could spot him right away amongst the other kids.

I am glad that this week only comes once a year! It is a bit more work to get my boy ready for school when he has to wear something "special"!


  1. Jacob is sure growing up. It's fun to see him enjoy school so much.

  2. Love the socks! I'm glad you found some!! These weeks are a lot of work!!
