Friday, January 13, 2012

Sick at home

Ephraim's fever persisted today and he got quite the cough to go with it. He spent a large part of the day asleep on the couch, poor guy!

He definitely had a fever, and you can see how much he sweat on the couch pillow. (Eww! Definitely had to wash that one!)

He did not really want to eat a lot, but we made sure he drank plenty of liquids. Whenever he doesn't feel good, Ephraim thinks he needs to have some 7-up... even if it isn't his stomach that doesn't feel good! What a cute boy.

We kept him on Ibuprofen to keep the fever down, which was pretty much all I could do. But it is hard not to feel bad when your boy looks at you with this pitiful face!

Can't you just see the "I feel yucky, why can't you make me feel better?" look in his eyes? It almost breaks my heart.

Hopefully he will get better quickly!

In other news, it has been so warm here that our sun catchers only lasted a day!

Oh well! At least they were not hard to make.

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