Friday, January 27, 2012

Amelia at 10 Months

Amelia has been ten months old for a little while, but I have had a hard time getting her picture due to the cold she has had and the teeth she is cutting.

Today I finally decided she was probably feeling well enough for me to give it a shot. What a difference a month makes! I could NOT get her to sit down on the couch! For some reason she thought that sitting on the black fabric on the couch was scary and it made her cry. I only managed one picture of her up on the couch, and you can see that she doesn't really look happy.

Then she kept trying to crawl off the edge and I gave up on the couch. I tried to sit her down on the floor, but she would not hold still on the floor either. She insisted on standing up, so I had to figure out how to make it work. I finally got some shots that I really like!

If I cut the pictures off just right, you almost can't tell that she is hanging onto our little car garage/ramp for support.

Love this next shot where she is only holding on with one hand.

It was a lot of work, but I love these pictures and think they were well worth it. I tried to get shots of her with her 10-months-old sign, but she was having none of it. These pictures totally crack me up.

Ah well! At least I will always remember that at 10 months old miss Amelia was getting three teeth and did not want to hold still for anything!


  1. I think the accurate pictures are always the cutest months down the line. Love them!

  2. Look at all the hair on Miss Amelia's head! I can't believe how much hair she has. She is such a cutie and growing so fast!
