Sunday, January 8, 2012

Santa Baby (Christmas revisited)

It took me a week, but I finally got my Christmas decorations down! Hooray! In my defense, I definitely did not have time to work on it during the week, as we were just getting back into our regular daily routine.

There were some pictures of Amelia that I planned to take in front of the Christmas tree, but did not get it done before we left. So as I took down the tree I took some really cute pictures of my baby girl in her Santa hat. Then as I looked through her 9 month pictures, I realized that I had already taken some of her in a Santa hat. So now you get both sets of pictures, in an Amelia Christmas extravaganza!

I could not really get Amelia to look at me when I took these pictures in December. I think it was because it was at the end of our photo shoot, and she was done! She did enjoy playing with this ornament though.

Now here are the pictures that I took of Amelia before I took the tree down. Aren't these awesome?

I didn't even mind when she started playing with the ornaments, because that was even more adorable! I love this girl!

You would not believe how many adorable pictures I got. It was hard for me to cut it down for this post!

Sometimes I wish I had taken cute pictures of the boys like this when they were little... but what can I say? I have gotten better with photography as the time has gone by and my equipment has definitely improved. But I like to think I take nice pictures of the boys now too.

Besides, it wouldn't be as cute with a 5 year old boy in a box in front of the tree, would it?

Too bad I didn't get these pictures taken sooner and send them off as a Christmas card! Oh well. I guess I will have to come up with something fun with all of the kids for next year.


  1. Those pictures will be fun to pull out years from now to see what she looked like her first Christmas.
