Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Operation Cooperation

To help the boys get ready for their little sister, I have been trying to get them to do more things by themselves and figure out how to help each other. It is also helpful for me since I am pretty tired at this point. The more things the boys can do for each other, means a little less for me to do. So this evening when Daddy was working late I told Jacob to get his pajamas on and help Ephraim with his.

It was the cutest thing to watch the two of them as Jacob helped Ephraim with his buttons!

I love these boys! I love how well they have been getting along and playing together lately. Ephraim is more willing to let Jacob help him out and they give me hope that even though having three kids will be hard, at least the two of them can help me out!

1 comment:

  1. I love those pictures of Jacob and Ephraim helping each other. They are both growing up so fast.
