Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We woke up this morning to a bit of the white stuff on our lawn and my flower beds. This is definitely not unusual for this time of year, but I felt bad for the crocuses and other flowers that are starting to poke through the dirt!

I have been so excited to watch my flowers start to come up! We have some daffodils, tulips and crocuses starting to show their greenery and even buds. That means that Spring is on it's way here- Hooray!

Even more exciting is the fact that in just one week we will welcome our little daughter into our family! The nursery is ready, the crib is set up, the bouncy seat and carseat are clean and ready, and the clothes are washed. We have diapers, wipes, burp cloths, binkies, etc. At this point I am actually feeling somewhat prepared, which is a pretty good feeling.

We have also been working to get the boys prepared for their sister's arrival. This weekend Joe moved the boys' car seats to their new positions and put the base for the baby's car seat in the van. Jacob was really excited to move to the back of the van, and Ephraim thought it was fun to be on the other side of the van.

Here's hoping that many of the changes to come can go as smoothly!
In other news, this morning I had my last doctor's appointment, and my blood pressure was GREAT! I had one of the lowest blood pressure readings that I have had in a long time. That made me feel so good! So unless she decides to come sooner, it looks like the baby will be born on the induction date we have chosen (Mar 16th)!

After my appointment today Melinda was kind enough to let me do some quick shopping. I have been looking for a Monster truck Mater to put on top of Ephraim's cake, but have had no luck. It seems that today was my lucky day because I found exactly what I was looking for! Ephraim is going to love it.


  1. You better keep me posted!! I am so excited for you.

  2. It's great your so prepared, time will fly and she'll be here before you know it.
