Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Ephraim!

Can you believe that my little Ephraim is three years old? How crazy is that?!

I think Ephraim had a pretty good birthday. Both of the boys were awake before 6:30 a.m., but it was hard to be grouchy about that when Ephraim comes in saying "Good Morning Mommy!". He is so stinking cute.

So we all got to eat breakfast with Daddy, which was nice. Since we had plenty of time in the morning to play around at our house, the boys decided they would like to take a bubble bath. This picture cracks me up. Ephraim must have been thinking, "Stop! Don't take a picture of me in my birthday suit!"

The boys wanted to play together in the water, so I put them both in the tub for a while. They had a great time and stayed in there until they were good and wrinkly.

Then after we got dressed, the boys helped me decorate Ephraim's birthday cake. I needed some cookie crumbs for the top of the cake, and the boys were more than happy to help me create some.

After all, what could be more fun than beating on a baggie of cookies with a meat mallet?! I got my cookie crumbs, and the boys had a great time.

Once we had frosted the cake and put the cookie crumbs on (picture to follow), we went to the Randall's house to play for a while. They have a new trampoline and the weather was gorgeous, so we went outside to jump.

Jacob and Ephraim had a great time jumping out in the sunshine. They love to spend time at Melinda's house and play with her girls.

It was nice to have something else fun to go do on Ephraim's birthday. I know he had a terrific time.

Ephraim was also excited because he got to open his first present of the day, which was a Zhu Zhu Pet from the Randalls. It is basically a toy hamster, which the boys thought was tons of fun. As usual I had to pry them away from Melinda's house so we could go home.

Speaking of which, check out what was in our flower beds today. It seems even the flowers wanted to come out and play on Ephraim's birthday.

Daddy managed to make it home early on Ephraim's birthday, but not quite early enough to go to lunch. So we decided to do dinner instead. Since everyone was up so early, both Jacob and Ephraim got to take naps while I worked on the computer and Daddy went for a bike ride.

As soon as Ephraim got up from his nap he was asking to open his presents. So we let him open one present before dinner. He got some Disney Cars puzzles, which he wanted to open right away and put together. Ephraim loves puzzles!

We went and had a quick dinner at Carl's Jr. because Ephraim likes the playplace there the best. Then we came home and opened the rest of the presents. Ephraim was really into opening the packages this year, so it was fun to watch him.

He got a fun ball that you sit and hop on from Grandma and Grandpa Devereaux and the DVD of Mater's Tall tales from Grandpa and Grandma Heiner. He was really excited to get both of them!

Then he opened our presents to him. The first one was a cash register. He always plays with these at his friend's house, so we knew he would enjoy one.

Sure enough, once he got it unwrapped he was pushing the buttons and checking everything out. We were able to convince him to open one last present and then we would take everything out of the box. He was excited to find that the next package was a firetruck!

He immediately wanted his new toys out of the boxes, so Joe and I set to work freeing them. The nice thing was that Jacob and Ephraim took turns with the cash register and the firetruck, which was great. I can tell that both of these toys will be extremely popular at our house. The firetruck does make noise, but it is not too loud. They also love that the ladder on the firetruck extends and goes up and down. So cool!

Speaking of cool, here is Ephraim's cake:

Whenever I asked Ephraim what he wanted for his birthday, he always said "Monster truck Mater". So here is Monster truck Mater on the top of Ephraim's cake. I was pretty excited when I finally found this Mater at the store the other day!

I will have to upload the video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Ephraim. He was a little nervous about blowing out the candles, but he eventually got it. Then we all ate cake and ice cream- yum!

Ok... so Ephraim ate while checking out his new Mater. Can you blame him?

After that the boys had a little time to play with the new toys. They were sad to go to bed, which must mean that it was a good day!

I was just glad to make it though the day without going into labor or anything! I definitely did not want to have this little girl on her brother's birthday. But everything is going well and she will have her own birth-day soon enough!


  1. Wow! it sounds like you had a great day. Happy Birthday Ephraim, I can't believe your three.

  2. Your cake is awesome and it looks like he loved all his presents. You are super-mommy again! We loved being able to share his day with him. Thanks for bringing him over!!
