Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ephraim's Playgroup Party and Playing Doctor

Since it is the day before Ephraim's birthday, we volunteered to have his playgroup at our house today so we could have a little party for him.

I used my mini cupcake pan, which made just enough cupcakes to spell out "Happy Birthday Ephraim". I figured they were the perfect size for a bunch of three year olds. Cute and easy, huh?

Ephraim was excited to open a couple of little presents from his friends and eat cupcakes and ice cream. Other than that we had a pretty regular playgroup. The kids just had fun playing together.

After Garrett and Cameron (and their mommies) left, Ephraim and Clara were left to play together until Karyn brought Jacob to our house and picked Clara up. They were playing so well together that it was adorable. The funny part was when they started playing "doctor". Ephraim got out the doctor kit and proceeded to tell Clara what she needed to do to be his doctor. First, he told her that she needed to take his "blood crusher".

That made me laugh. He must have been paying attention lately as I have been checking my blood pressure. And I have to say that having your blood pressure checked is a bit of an arm/blood crusher!

Apparently Ephraim's blood pressure was pretty good from the smiles on their faces in the above photo. Next, Clara needed to give Ephraim a shot. Luckily it was just in the arm, but Clara was very thorough about it.

Then Clara had to check out both of Ephraim's ears.

They both took turns playing doctor and went through the same sequence of events,  but by the time I got my camera out I only caught the last round. It was so fun to watch them play pretend together! Apparently they remember more about going to the doctor than I thought!


  1. They look like they are having so much fun, I'll bet you didn't realize that Ephraim was listening so closely.
