Friday, March 18, 2011

Welcome Baby Amelia!

Our little daughter is finally here!
Here is the information that everyone is asking for.

Amelia Jane Devereaux
5 lbs 13 oz
17 inches
Born at 5:24 pm

Here is a picture of her with Mommy shortly after she was born.

Wednesday morning Joe and I were ready to go to the hospital. They told us we were third induction on call and that they would probably call us between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. So when 8:30 a.m. rolled around I finally called labor and delivery to see what was going on. The waiting was driving us crazy!

They finally got us in to the hospital at 10:15 a.m. Then we waited an hour for them to start the pitocin, which got my labor going. Early in the afternoon I got an epidural, but it was only working on the left side of my body. After working to adjust the dosage, they finally ended up removing the first one and giving me a second epidural later in the afternoon. After that labor and delivery went really well. I was good and numb, which was nice.

When Dr. Lamoreaux came to check on me after 5 p.m., he said I was complete and we could go ahead and deliver the baby. I only had to push three times and there was our little baby girl!

I was surprised that she was so tiny! I thought for sure she would be bigger than Ephraim was at 6 lbs 4 oz, but she is actually exactly the same size Jacob was. We got to spend some time with her after delivery, and then Joe got to go watch them get her all cleaned up.

I ate dinner while they got her ready and then we went down to our room. Jacob and Ephraim were excited to meet their new sister, so we had Grandma bring them over to the hospital. Jacob was SO excited. Check out the big grin on his face.

Ephraim was a bit more excited to see Mommy and Daddy than his sister. He climbed into bed with me and gave me a big hug. What a sweet boy. He also got to hold Amelia.

Here is our whole family.

When the nurses brought Amelia to us they told us they put a green bow in her hair so that no one would pinch her after midnight, since it was St. Patrick's Day. Isn't she beautiful?

We spent a relatively sleepless night at the hospital. I think I got 2 hours of sleep or so. Not because of Amelia, just because we were are at the hospital. They are constantly checking on you, and the beds are so uncomfortable. So we told the nurses we would like to leave after 24 hours if possible.

The next morning afternoon we had some more visitors. Melinda came to see us, as did my Dad and the boys again. Here are a bunch of boys and little Miss Amelia.

Jacob is so enamored with his little sister! He thinks she is just wonderful. He talks softly to her and wants to hold her. It is the cutest thing ever. Here is Amelia holding his finger.

While the boys were there it was time to feed Amelia. So we let Jacob help for a minute. They were both fascinated with her.

My doctor and the pediatrician both gave the o.k. for us to go home after 24 hours. They told us we would need to bring Amelia to the office in the morning since she was so tiny, but that was fine by us. I would rather be home and awake in my own house rather than at the hospital.

Here is Amelia in her car seat. Isn't she tiny?

The boys were very happy to have us home. Ephraim told me that he missed me SO much. He is having a bit of a hard time with the change, but I think he will do fine once we get into the swing of things.

Our first night home with Amelia was a bit of a tough one. She did sleep some part of the night, but she was unhappy and screaming for a large part of the night. We think we finally figured out that she was too warm. Hopefully tonight will be better. I just keep reminding myself that it will keep getting easier.

We spent a quiet day at home today after returning from the Doctor's office (they said Amelia looks great and has gained weight). I laid down for part of the morning and actually got a nap in this afternoon, which was wonderful. Jacob kept asking to hold Amelia, so twice today after I fed her I let him hold her. He LOVED it.

Finally, here is a picture I took of our little Amelia this afternoon. I think she is the most precious baby. I already love her so much. We are so excited to have her as part of our family.


  1. She is so precious, it has been fun spending time here with all of you. Thanks for letting me be part of your lives as you welcome sweet little Amelia into your family.
    Love ya, Mom

  2. I wasn't expecting dark hair! She is precious! I can't wait until I am better so that I can come and hold her. I need some newborn cuddles!

  3. She is beautiful Deb. You guys do good work making adorable babies. Can't wait to see her.

  4. She is precious. So tiny. We are happy for you guys and hope to meet little Amelia soon.

  5. She is so beautiful! I love how much Jacob adores her; he is the best big brother. Nice job, Mommy!

  6. She is beautiful!!!! I can't wait to hold her! I love the pictures of Jacob holding her.
