Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shovel it (again and again and again)!

Since we got home it seems that all we have done is shovel snow! I has been snowing nonstop since Monday morning, and I feel like we are being buried alive.

Ah well, at least Jacob is having fun. He is absolutely loving the snow. Just check out this video of him helping Daddy shovel snow in the driveway (it was the third time that day the driveway had been shoveled!). Isn't he a big helper?

Sorry the video is a bit wobbly. Ephraim and I were watching out the window from the couch and he's and active little guy!


  1. It looks like Jacob had a really good time and you can hear Ephraim in the background wanting to be out with his DAD and big brother.
    Can you imagine how Jacob will feel looking at this when he is 15 or 16 years old.

  2. This is how it started with Joseph and his Dad. They have always worked together and still enjoy doing any jobs if they can do them together.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. LOL! Look at that path and I love him spying you!
