Just recently I got to put Ephraim in a onesie that Greg made for me at my baby shower. How great is this onesie? It still cracks me up.

So of course I had to take a photo of Ephraim in this onesie because I knew I had a similar picture of Jacob. Here is a side-by-side of the two boys. In these pictures Jacob is a month younger than Ephraim is right now.

Just look at how chubby my little Jacob was! It's no wonder too. At this point Jacob wasn't even crawling yet, and Ephraim is fast on four legs. I went back and read through parts of the journal I kept while Jacob was a baby the other day. I was surprised to realize how different they were at this age. You can see that Jacob has his two little bottom teeth and actually that's all he had! Ephraim on the other hand already has seven teeth!
At ten months old Jacob was just barely figuring out how to lift his hips off the floor so he could start the crawling process. Ephraim has been crawling for about a month or so now. He already stands up and cruises along the furniture. Though he hasn't walked yet, I think he'll figure it out here in the next month or so. I do have to say that at ten months Jacob was already starting to try out words, while Ephraim is not quite there yet.
It's funny to see how differently even brothers can grow up.
I have totally forgotten to do Ephraim's 10 month post. I will have to try to take his pictures with his bear and get them up later in the week... that is, if I can ever get the little guy to hold still!

Holy cute boys! I love seeing Jacob again, he was so adorable!