Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ephraim (and Jacob) at Six Months

Can you believe it? Yesterday was Ephraim's half-birthday. He is now six months old and doesn't he look like a happy boy?

Not only is he rolling himself all over the house and trying to figure out how to crawl, but it also seems that Ephraim is starting to master the art of sitting up all by himself. He is getting pretty good at keeping his balance, but he gets very indignant if you let him fall over.

Just look at how BIG he is! He is growing so fast. This week I had to get out the six to nine month clothes because his other clothes were starting to seem a bit small. I was experiencing a bit of nostalgia as I looked through all the clothes that Jacob wore when he was little.

There was one outfit in particular that I thought was adorable, so I dressed Ephraim in those clothes and took a couple of pictures. Then I went and found some pictures of Jacob in the same outfit. In these pictures Jacob is about five and a half months old, and Ephraim is six months old on the dot. What do you think of these boys?

Isn't it fun to check them both out in the same clothes? I think they look related, but quite a bit different. I guess we'll see how they turn out as they get a little bit older. They are definitely both cute, don't you think?

As I was looking through their clothes, I also noticed that apparently 6-9 months or larger is the size of clothing that people don't give you at baby showers. I had SO many clothes in the smaller sizes! I probably could have dressed Ephraim in a different outfit every day for a few weeks. Now my choices are a bit more limited. We have received some cute clothing in bigger sizes this time around, so that has been nice.

I need to try to get a video of Ephraim trying to crawl. He gets himself up on his hands and toes and then doesn't quite know what to do. He is getting pretty good at turning himself around using his arms, and he pushed himself backwards occasionally.

Pretty soon he is going to be roaming all over the house with his brother... probably getting into trouble together!


  1. Those are really great pictures of Ephraim and Jacob at the same age. You are right, they do look like they are related. I can see they have the same nose chin and ears. I'll bet Ephraim ends up taller than Jacob. Fun, fun, fun to make comparisons.

  2. That's fun that you have pictures of both boys in the same outfit. Super cute!

  3. So cute! I love how big Ephraim is getting and what a great location for his picture!
