Well today it was time to visit the doctor again. This time it was Ephraim's six month appointment. Doctor Arnold himself said that he couldn't believe Ephraim was already six months old, and neither can I.
So here are the stats:
weight: 16 lbs 15 ounces (35th percentile)
height: 26 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
head circ: 45 cm (75th percentile)
Yet again Ephraim is average height, a little on the leaner than average side, and has a HUGE noggin. Doctor Arnold said he has to have somewhere to store all that brain power.
I told Doctor Arnold that Ephraim has been lifting his bum up in the air while he is on his tummy. I also noticed that in the past couple of days he has started to put his knees down. He mostly goes backwards, which is cute. The doctor said he is ahead developmentally... I just hope he's not walking by nine months or something! It is already hard to keep track of him.
In more exciting news, Joe is coming home tonight. Hooray, Hooray! We are all excited to see him. We did some shopping this morning, and when we were done Jacob asked where we were going. I told him we were on our way home. He said, "No. We not going home! We going to pick up daddy at his office."
Do you think he's excited to see Daddy, or what?
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