So Ephraim has decided that he does not want to take on the world lying down. He'd much rather sit up. I was trying to lay him down in his bouncy seat and got this instead:

Ephraim is still working hard on figuring out this crawling thing. Now when he is on his tummy he will pull his hips up off the floor so that he is only on his hands and feet. When he figures out that he needs to put his knees down I'm sure he will be off in no time!
As for Jacob, he is still a Daddy's boy. This weekend he decided that the lawn mower is "not scary, just noisy". This is a common phrase at our house, and Jacob is finally ok with the vacuum cleaner too.
Anyway, when Joe went out to mow the lawn Jacob said he wanted to "help Daddy". So Joe let him help when he got to the straight part of the lawn. Jacob was having a blast! You should have seen the smile on his face when he finished helping.

When he grows up I know that Jacob is going to be a great helper to his daddy. He will probably be Daddy's little shadow.
Jacob also wanted to "hold Ephraim" this weekend. That is a little bit difficult because Ephraim is not so little anymore. But we let Jacob do it, and he was so proud of himself. He just loves his little brother!

Finally here are a couple more pictures of my boys. Aren't they the cutest?

I can't believe that Ephraim is 3 months younger than Clara and already passing her in skills! I bet that he is crawling before she is! Oh well. I am not ready for her to be crawling yet anyway. My kids all love to mow the lawn with their daddy too. I am glad that Jacob is getting over some of his fears.
ReplyDeleteGrandpa and Grandma Heiner think those boys are sure growing up! Jacob's face has changed since we saw him last. He's losing his baby face. Ephraim is such a cutey pie and look at him sit up.