Yesterday morning we were all feeling pretty good. We went and dropped my bike off at the shop so they could tighten one of my cables and get rid of a minor squeak. Then the boys and I went and made some freezer jam at the Randalls house. We went home when Laura headed off to preschool.
Though I tried, I could not get Jacob to take a nap in the afternoon. Eventually I gave up and let him watch a movie while I tried to get some work done from home. Later when Joe got home, the bike shop called to say my bike was ready. So we ate dinner and got ready to go pick it up.
Not long after dinner I started to feel queasy.
On the way to pick up my bike both of the boys fell asleep in the car. They didn't wake up until we had already picked up the bike and made our way home. As the evening progressed I felt more and more icky.
We got Jacob in bed and were winding down for the night. Finally I had to give Ephraim and his bottle to Joe so I could go to the bathroom and lose my lunch, dinner, and probably everything else I ate that day. It's incredible just how much your stomach can hold, isn't it?
After I threw up I felt much better. Too bad that wasn't the case for Jacob. We went to bed early, and sometime after 11 PM Joe woke me up to tell me that Jacob was throwing up in his room.
So we went to get Jacob cleaned up, and I had to run back to the bathroom for a minute because of the nasty smell. Joe managed to get him cleaned up and we threw all his bedding and clothes in the wash.
Throughout the night I got up with Jacob about three more times (I can't exactly remember) to help him try to throw up in a bowl. He finally settled down to sleep sometime after 4 AM... I think.
Joe left for work this morning and I didn't even hear him. The rest of us slept in. Jacob seems to be right as rain today. Ephraim seems a bit grouchy, but otherwise fine. My stomach is a little tender and I feel tired but mostly ok... except I STILL have a stuffy nose. It is driving me crazy. I have taken antihistamines, decongestants, Dayquil, nasal spray, and nothing seems to work for long. If this doesn't clear up soon I may have to go to the doctor.
So today I got to wash a bunch more stuff from Jacob's room in an effort to make the house smell better. We also aired the place out this morning. Melinda was kind enough to come over and bring us some soup. I had it for lunch and it was yummy. Her kids also stayed for a while to play in our sandbox.

That was really nice because even though I didn't have any energy, somehow Jacob did. Little Sara was making us laugh because she was having a great time flinging sand everywhere. Isn't she a cutie?

This afternoon the boys took nice long naps. I mostly just worked on feeling better. Then Joe came home and I left to go to work. Then I returned to the house because the car would not start. Joe came and looked at it and declared the battery dead.
So tonight I am at work with the only functioning car. So far September is not being very nice to us! Usually it is my favorite month, but if it doesn't shape up I may have to change my mind about that.
I hope you all are feeling better and I'm glad we could make you smile!
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to have good friends. Melinda should get a gold star for being such a good friend.