Monday, April 21, 2008

Jacob loves to...

Every day Jacob asks me if we can go "play outside". He loves to play in the sandbox and run around on the grass. He has learned how to kick a ball, and sometimes we kick his big ball around the yard together. Sometimes during the day he will ask me to "go on a walk" with him. He is usually heartbroken when I tell him it is time to go back inside. It is also hard on days when it is windy and cold because I don't really want to go outside even if Jacob does. 

Here is a picture that I took of Jacob last week on his little car.

He likes to ride on the little car as well as push it around the yard. Here is a video that shows Jacob's driving skills (and my video taking skills, or lack thereof):

Joe helped me figure out how to compress movies from our camera so I can put longer clips online. So go and check out the video of Jacob singing "If You're Happy" again because it is longer now. Thanks honey!

Believe it or not, Jacob also enjoys being tickled. We tell him "I'm going to tickle you" and he'll run a short distance before falling to the floor to await his tickles. He even asks for it! He will come up to Joe or me and say "wickle you", which means he wants us to tickle him. Funny boy!

I also figured out how to get Jacob to go where I want him to. For example, in the past if I asked Jacob to go to his room so we can change his diaper he would just say "No". Now I say, "I'll race you to your room" an off we go. Now he asks me to race him places, and even says "ready, set, go!" It's pretty funny.

This morning I was out working on the strawberries in our garden and of course Jacob was "helping" me. He had his own spade and was digging in the dirt with it while I was weeding. I showed him the strawberry plants and told him not to step on them. A short while later he was getting a little too close to the plants. So I told him to be careful and look at his feet. So Jacob proceeded to sit down on the dirt and pull one foot up with both hands so he could look at the bottom of his shoe. I laughed so hard! What can I say, he did exactly what I told him to! 

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