Friday, April 18, 2008

Grandparents are Great!

This evening we got a visit from my parents and grandparents. They were in Utah to attend my cousin's wedding at the Bountiful temple. I told my mom that they were close enough that they should come visit me. Everyone thought it was a great idea, and they made it to our house after braving the rush hour traffic in Salt Lake.

We had a fun visit. It has been over a year since I had seen my grandparents, so it was nice to have them at our house. Of course Ephraim got passed around so everyone could hold him.
Here is a picture of Ephraim and his Great-Grandpa Heiner:

Nearly the entire time they were here Jacob sat with Grandpa Heiner. He brought book after book for Grandpa to read with him. Jacob loves his grandpa, and tells us about "grandpa's airplane" all the time. So dad gave him a business card with a picture of his airplane on it so Jacob could see it whenever he wants to. Here is a picture of Jacob and his grandpa.
Ephraim slept through the entire visit. I guess he wouldn't remember their visit even if he was awake, so it's a good thing we have pictures. Here is a picture of my mom and Great-Grandma Heiner holding Ephraim.

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