Friday, October 13, 2006

Five Months Old

Dear Jacob

You are growing so fast! It’s amazing how many things you have learned to do in the last month. Tonight we took some video of you to send to your grandparents. We are going to try to take some video of you each month on your month birthday because it is a great way for us to keep track of how much you have grown, and share it with our families.

We put you on your tummy, and you actually rolled over for us on camera. We were so excited! You are getting much better at rolling over, and definitely seem to be doing it on purpose rather than by accident. You have gotten close to rolling from your back to your stomach, but you haven’t managed that quite yet. When you do we can watch you roll yourself all over the house. That should be amusing.

We also filmed you yelling and screaming. It was absolutely adorable. Then we sat you up in the rocking chair, and you started to play with your toes. You have recently discovered that you can actually touch your feet, and now you grab them with your little hands. Sometimes you get pretty close to pulling off your little socks! We also gave you a piece of paper to crumple and drool on. We got some great video, and I love to watch it.

You are getting better at eating rice cereal, and we’ll have to start you on some other foods soon. I guess the real eating adventure is about to begin. You seem to be such a hungry boy, but I’m sure it is because you are growing so fast. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say about you at your next doctor’s appointment.

One thing we can’t seem to get you to do is take longer naps. For some reason you don’t want to go to sleep, so sometimes that can be a bit of a struggle. But you still sleep through the night, so I guess we can’t complain too much.

Right now you seem to want to be able to sit up. When you seem grouchy sometimes all we have to do is sit you up and then you’re happy. You can’t quite sit up by yourself, but you like to sit on Mommy or Daddy’s lap. That makes it hard for us to get other stuff done, but that’s ok because you won’t be this little for very long.

I also noticed that you have started passing toys from one hand to the other in the past month. I just noticed recently, but your daddy says you’ve been doing it for a while. I guess I will notice more of those things when I get to stay home with you.

We love our Mr. Pants.

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