Monday, October 9, 2006

Bath time

Dear Mr. Soggy Pants

What a busy weekend! We spend most of Saturday out shopping. We got groceries and spent time looking at the home improvement stores for your dad’s projects. We also went to a bunch of other stores. We priced some high chairs, and looked for a costume for you but we didn’t have any luck yet.

Then Saturday evening I was about to give you a bath when you did it. You peed on me and totally drenched my shirt! I was holding your little naked body while your daddy filled up the baby tub. Apparently the sound of running water was too much for you, so you let go. At first I was startled as my shirt got warm and wet, but then we were both laughing so hard. It was hilarious.

Your hair has started to get a little lighter as it grows in, so maybe you will be a blondie like your mommy. Right now your hair is a very light brown, which is amazing since it was pretty dark when you were born.

Recently you have discovered that you can scream and yell pretty well. You’re not upset at all, just screaming because you figured out you can. Sometimes you’ll go at it for around a half hour, and it makes me wonder why you haven’t gone hoarse yet. You still smile and “chat” with mommy and daddy, however you have definitely discovered your voice can do lots of things. It will be exciting when you can actually talk to us.

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