Monday, March 23, 2009

Working Weekend to Wacky Weather

Hooray for Spring Break!

Joe got Friday off work and got to spend the day at home with us. First Joe and Jacob worked on the flower bed around our aspen tree.

While I hung the laundry outside to dry. The weather was really nice and warm, so we like to take advantage of the free heat.

Teddy, just hanging out.

Then for a little while on Saturday we went over to the Randall's house to play on their new playset and have a picnic lunch outside.

Jacob was having a great time with Laura... playing on the swings and going down the slide all by himself. Ephraim was doing a little bit more of the "getting in trouble" kind of fun.

Ephraim! Yucky! Don't eat sidewalk chalk!

He is fast on those two little feet... and he sure is a cutie!

When we got home Joe was working on the cars in the garage. Jacob decided he would rather stay outside with Daddy rather than come inside with me. He was being such a big helper that I had to run and get my camera.

Here is Jacob helping Daddy grease the joints.

He even helped Daddy get the tires off the cars.

And of course if you take them off, you have to put them back on right? Doesn't Jacob look cute with those huge blue gloves on? At least he has clean hands, right?!

Joe and I were impressed that Jacob wasn't afraid of some of the air compressor tools that he has been terrified of before. I guess he is growing up!

Here he is "helping" Joe with the jack. His feet are almost off the ground, and the jack is not moving!

Jacob was such a big helper, and I think he enjoyed being in the garage with Daddy.

Later that afternoon I got to go on a bike ride. It was nice to get out again, and I had a good ride. Apparently while I was gone Jacob decided that he wanted to ride his bike too.

Of course Ephraim wanted to tag along.

Saturday morning it was Joe's turn to go on a bike ride. The Trek store was having a ride, so he went in the morning and put in about 30 miles total. After working so hard the day before, the bike ride just about did him in for the day!

The weather was nice, so the boys got to play outside. I showed Jacob how to push Ephraim on this little car. They were both having a fantastic time.

When Ephraim fell off Jacob wanted Ephraim to push him in the car... of course that didn't quite work. So I got to push Jacob around a little bit.

Then we played around in the sandbox. I figured the boys could get as dirty as they wanted, since they would both be having baths later!

Here is another funny picture from this weekend. Ephraim has figured out how to open and close the drawers in the kitchen. So now he takes things out and plays with them. He thinks my hot pads are especially interesting.

On Sunday we went to church a little early because of the Draper Temple dedication. Most of the wards in our building had only two hours of meetings, but we had ward conference, so we went to all three hours.

Joe stayed home with the boys so I could attend the dedication. It was really nice and I enjoyed all the speakers. It made me think back about when Joe and I "met up" at the Nauvoo Temple dedication. Neither Joe and I remember much about that dedication... besides being there together! So this time I got to pay closer attention, but I missed having my honey with me.

When I got home I found that Joe had made dinner for us. What a great guy, huh?!

It was getting cloudy and cold on Sunday evening. This morning when we woke up it was snowing! Yuck! The first part of this week is supposed to be icky and cold. I just hope that we don't lose all the blossoms on our apricot tree! Last year we only got a few apricots because of late spring frosts. Hopefully our trees do better this year.


  1. Look at your handy husband. Thanks for picnicking with us!

  2. Those are great pictures, it looks like such fun to be outside enjoying warm air and sunshine, hope it hurries and comes back soon.
