Sunday, March 29, 2009

March: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lion!

Is it just me, or is the weather this March just wacky? We get a few nice days up in the sixties, and then we get pounded with wind, rain and snow. The temperatures plummet to the low 30s and we get to spend our days inside. What is up with this?!

This past week we haven't done anything incredibly exciting. Mostly because it has been a bit too cold to play outside. I was looking at the pictures I have taken on my camera and they were mostly of the boys in the bath tub. Exciting, huh?

Mostly we stuck to our regularly scheduled events. Here is a rundown if you are interested... if not, you can just skip it and wait for another post with cute little boy pictures in it.

On Tuesday we went to Music Makers at the church. Jacob and Ephraim both have a good time singing, marching and playing their instruments. Then on Wednesday Jacob got to go to playgroup. He spends an hour and a half at one of his friends houses and he LOVES it. He has so much fun playing with the other kids (and their toys, of course!). I get to put Ephraim down for his nap and have the entire time to myself, which is lovely. Then on Thursdays we go to the library for Wee Read. Jacob really enjoys listening to stories, and it's nice to get new books to read for the next week.

This week after Wee Read we went over to the Randall's house to play for a while. Jacob and I were both getting a little stir crazy from being stuck inside our house most of the week. Jacob is a really social little boy and enjoys playing with other kids. Plus I like hanging out with Melinda. :o) We had fun at their house and finally left when Ephraim informed us that he needed a nap asap.

Then on Friday we managed to visit the Smiths for a little while. Jacob had a fun time playing with Alyssa, and it is nice to have friends to visit with when the weather is making you feel blue. Then in the afternoon Jacob and I made a car out of a cardboard box. It turned out pretty well, and I will definitely have to take a picture of it. He has had a great time playing with it! I also made a small house out of a large box we had. Jacob has been driving his car around and going to his "house" to play. It has been pretty fun.

Friday evening the weather actually warmed up enough for Joe and I to go on bike rides. Joe let me go first, and I got in almost 7 miles. It was a bit windy, but not too bad. Then Joe put on his cold weather gear and got a ride in. Then we spend the rest of the evening together. It was nice because we hadn't really seen each other the rest of the evenings of the week. Monday night I worked, Tuesday Joe went to the temple, Wednesday night Joe had Elder's Quorum meeting and I went to a Rhodes Demo in SLC with the Relief Society. Then on Thursday night I worked again. Sheesh! Maybe it won't be such a bad thing when I don't work at the library anymore at the end of April.

Saturday was the nicest day we had this week. Joe and I both worked hard a got a lot done. Joe changed the oil in our cars, leveled up the water meter in front of the house, put grass seed down, changed the lawnmower's oil, sharpened the lawnmower blade, took apart our old wheelbarrow to fix it up, and put up a bike hook in the garage for my bike to hang on. There were probably some other things I missed too! As for me, I cleaned inside the house, made lasagna and ironed all the shirts in my HUGE pile. Then later in the afternoon Joe let me go on another bike ride. I got in 11 miles, and it felt really great!

We are gearing up for the cycling season this summer. We are already planning on a bike tour for May 2nd and look forward to others later in the summer. Now if only the weather would warm up so we could actually go riding! Joe hasn't been able to ride to work much because the weather has been so nasty this month! Hopefully next month will be better!

Next month will definitely be different at our house. Today Joe got released from the Elder's Quorum Presidency, so I guess we will be seeing him a bit more often, which will be nice! So instead of only seeing each other two nights a week, we will see each other three nights a week and more of the day on Sunday. Then after I no longer work at the library after April we will both be home each night of the week! How strange and wonderful will that be?! We can actually have FHE on Mondays, and it will be easier for us to take turns going to the temple. So nice!

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