Monday, March 16, 2009

Ephraim's 12 month check-up

The day after Ephraim's birthday we got to go to the doctor for his 12 month check-up. Since we go to the doctor's for Ephraim more than Jacob, usually I get to take both boys with me and have to assure Jacob that the doctor is not going to be looking at him, just Ephraim.

Well, this time Jacob happened to have playgroup when the appointment was scheduled, so he didn't have to go. He was relieved, and it was nice for me to only have to wrangle one boy! Ephraim was walking all over the room where we were waiting for the doctor, and I thought he was being pretty funny.

Ephraim is doing great! Doctor Arnold told me that he loved Ephraim's hair and that he sure is cute. He also told me that my boys come from a good gene pool. Who am I to argue with the good doctor?

Here are Ephraim's current stats:

Ephraim at 12 months:
height: 29.75 inches (50th percentile)
weight: 20 lbs 8 oz (20th)
head circ: 47 cm (65th)

Just for fun, here is where Jacob was when he was a year old.
Jacob at 12 months:
height: 29.5 inches (50th percentile)
weight: 21 lb 11 oz (30th)
head circ: 46.5 cm (50th)

So you can see that the boys were pretty similar sizes at this age. Ephraim is a bit further along as far as physical development goes, but he does have Jacob to chase after! Isn't he a cutie?

Luckily Ephraim only had to have one shot, and he did pretty well with it. We got finished just in time to go pick up Jacob from his playgroup. It was hilarious because when I went to get Jacob he asked me "Mommy, why did you come to get me? I don't want to go home."

Sheesh! Don't I feel loved?!

1 comment:

  1. Clara is STILL not 20 pounds! Sounds like Ephraim is growing good. I think that was a cute idea to compare the two boys. It is fun to see how they are similar and different!
