Monday, February 2, 2009

Ephraim walks and Jacob talks

Would you care to see what Ephraim has figured out in the past week or so?

Yep! Every day the little bug is taking more and more steps. He now regularly walks between the coffee table and couches in the living room. Before long he will be standing up in the middle of the room by himself and walking all over the place. Then he will be chasing Jacob around! Fun, huh?

I can't believe how quickly he is learning this skill, and at only 10 months old! Isn't he a cutie?

Not to be left out, here is a short video of Jacob. I had the camera out Jacob wanted me to sing with him. Of course I let him do most of the singing. He is so precious!


  1. I've only been gone a week and I miss this?! I can't wait to see him cruisin' when I get back!

  2. Wow - the boys are getting so big!
