Monday, February 9, 2009

Walk on Ephraim!

Ephraim is getting better and better at this walking thing! Can you believe that he's not even 11 months old yet? Ok... he will be tomorrow, but Jacob didn't walk until he was over 13 months. I guess it makes a big difference when you have somebody to follow around!

I took this first video this morning and it makes me laugh so hard. Ephraim sometimes still uses the walls and couches for support, but he is letting go more often.

Here is another video that I took last night while Joe was on the phone with his family.


  1. I guess I will have to pay up to grandpa on that bet that Ephraim would not be walking by the end of February. The video is great showing how he looks like he is bouncing off the wall as he goes down the hall. Pretty cute!

  2. Love the video's, We've watched them over and over.
