Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of First Grade

Today was the first day of school! Can you believe that I have a first grader?

Isn't he a handsome little guy? He was so excited to go to first grade!

I am super glad that we requested the later time schedule at our school. This means that Jacob has to be to school by 9:15 am rather than 8:00 am. We could make it to school by 8 am because the kids are awake, but it would be hard for me to have my three young kids out the door before 8 am. This way we have a much more relaxed, and fun morning with plenty of time for a mini photo session!

Of course I printed up some fun signs for our little photo shoot. I couldn't decide which ones I liked better, so we used both!

I love taking some pictures before we head out to school. Jacob is probably not a big fan of our photo ritual, but that is because he is anxious to get going! He kept asking if it was time to go to school yet!

But I did manage to get some nice pictures, I think!

Jacob was ready to go to school and I think it helped a lot that he met his teacher and even got to sit in his new desk at the school open house yesterday.

Of course I had to take pictures of him in his new desk! We really enjoyed meeting Mrs. Glass at the open house. Several people in our ward have had her as a teacher before and we have heard lots of great things about her. When we went and looked at the class lists on Friday evening, we counted and found out that Jacob already knows 9 of the students in his class. That made him feel at ease too! I showed him Mrs. Glass' picture on the school  website and he said, "Hey! She's pretty for a teacher!". I thought that was so cute!

I can't believe that I forgot to take a picture of the cute sign in front of his classroom! Silly me. Guess I will have to take one when I go to volunteer in his classroom or in the bookroom.

After taking photos we packed Jacob's lunch and headed off to school. Before we left, I had to take one of my favorite back to school pictures. I don't know why, but I love to see the feet of my little people!

So stinking cute. This year we got to add Amelia to the picture, since she can stand up and walk!

We loaded into the van and headed for the back of the school. Jacob's teacher told him that he would need to line up where he saw her name written on the sidewalk in chalk. He knew several of the kids waiting in line, so that was fun.

It will be strange not having Jacob at home for lunch! We said goodbye to Jacob and headed to the store. I was getting the kids some crafts to do with Grandma and Grandpa Devereaux while we are gone. While at the store we ran across some fun pirate hats.

We had a blast at the store saying "Arr!" to each other while wearing foam pirate hats. Before long Amelia was saying "Arrr!" and then grinning. What a cutie!

Isn't Ephraim a fearsome pirate?

We were so busy getting the house cleaned up and getting ready to leave. You see, next week Joe and I are going on a little trip to San Francisco for our 10 year wedding anniversary. Grandma and Grandpa Devereaux will be coming to watch the kids for nearly 6 days! It will be the longest I have ever been away from them. I know I will miss them, but I can't wait to spend time alone with my Honey!

 By the way, Jacob had a good day at school and was all smiles when he got home. So it looks like all is well!


  1. Wow! First day of first grade! Thanks for sharing the pictures, it's fun to see Jacob growing up.

  2. Yay for first grade! Congrats, Jacob!!
