Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Daylight Donuts and the Day of Disasters

For the summer reading program at the library, one of the prizes that we won were coupons for Daylight Donuts. The boys were so cute and said they wanted to wait to go to Daylight Donuts so they could go with Aunt Emily. Since Amelia was still asleep when we got up, I sent Emily to get donuts with the boys in their pajamas. They thought it was awesome!

Thanks for the picture, Auntie Em!

I wanted to try one more time to take a picture of my three kids together. I thought it would be easier with Emily there to help me. So we dressed the kids up and headed to the Provo Riverwoods.

 Unfortunately Amelia was NOT in the mood to do pictures! She was so stubborn and uncooperative! We started out on the bridge, since it was still in the shade. This is the best picture I got there.

I also got a cute one of Amelia that I like. Look at that sly little smile.

Then we tried several other places. Amelia did not want to sit with her brothers! She kept trying to jump off the rock, and when we tried to use a cute little kid's chair she practically threw herself off of it. So we just gave up!

I got enough pictures that I was able to put together a nice picture of my three kids.

You totally can't tell that this is actually three different pictures combined into one, can you? I am getting pretty good at using Photoshop!

The boys tried really hard to do their best for me, so we went to the movie like we had planned even though I was feeling a bit grouchy. We went to see Madagascar 3.

I would highly recommend this movie! It was probably my favorite one out of all of the Madagascar movies, and the boys loved it!

There was one part of the movie that I didn't get to see. Amelia was doing just fine, eating popcorn and sitting on my lap when all of the sudden she spit up all over her shirt, my hand, and the floor. So I got to go to the bathroom and try to clean her up. In the end I just took her shirt off and washed it in the sink because it was so gross. That meant she got to watch the rest of the movie with her shirt off.

She got restless at the end, so I gave her a sucker that I had brought to keep her occupied. So we got out of the movie and I had a shirtless, sticky girl. Emily and I just laughed about it because it just added to the disaster that Amelia was that day. It was pretty comical. We had to take her home and give her a bath and put her to bed!

What a day!

1 comment:

  1. Love those days! Glad you could laugh when really you wanted to scream!! That is a good mother moment!
