Friday, May 20, 2011

Jacob, Ephraim and Amelia

This had been quite the week. First on Monday Amelia had her Doctor's appointment and later that day Ephraim got a fever. Then he threw up on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Tuesday he threw captain crunch up all over the carpet. I tried to clean it with the carpet cleaner, and so did Joe, but we still have some pink spots on the carpet. Ephraim also had diarrhea. He was pretty darn sick. Needless to say he also had a pretty good rash on his bum.

Then on Thursday Jacob had his five year check up. So he got to have shots and had a fever on Friday. He also threw up once, which was thrilling. What a week!

Here are some random pictures. This one is from Wednesday when Daddy let Jacob try to feed Amelia. He thought that was pretty cool.

Ephraim wanted to watch too. The reason he isn't wearing pants is because I was working on getting his diaper changed at the time. He was wearing a diaper a lot that week because I didn't want to have to clean up all that underwear.

Later in the week on Friday when Ephraim was feeling better, we let him hold Amelia as well. Just look at how big she is getting!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the club soda can work on your spots. And I love how proud Jacob looks while feeding Amelia.
