Saturday morning Ephraim did not seem like his usual rambunctious self. So I checked and sure enough, he was burning hot. We gave him some ibuprofen and he spent a large portion of the day sleeping and cuddling on Mommy. I seemed to be the comfort item of the moment.
I also spent a large portion of Saturday night being Ephraim's preferred cuddly comforter. I didn't really appreciate being up most of the night, but I did enjoy the cuddles. My boys are not terribly cuddly babies. Usually they prefer to cuddle with their teddies.
Sometimes Ephraim even tries to jailbreak his teddy from the crib.

Ephraim's fever continued through Monday. I called the pediatrician, but since he had no other symptoms and the fever was "low-grade" there was nothing to do but wait. Happily today the fever is gone.
Oh, I love little one snuggles, even if you do only get them when they're sick!