Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saucy Saturday

If I had known how busy I was going to be today, maybe I wouldn't have stayed up past midnight last night while Joe finished some work he had to do before going to his conference in San Francisco (I can't even remember the last time I stayed up so late!).

So what I did today?

*fed the boys breakfast
*folded a load of laundry
*ironed Joe's shirts
*cleaned up the kitchen
*made homemade spaghetti sauce (with tomatoes from our garden)

After helping daddy wash the car this morning, Jacob wanted to help me make the spaghetti sauce. So I let him help me squish the tomatoes in my awesome strainer. Of course Ephraim wanted to participate too.

*then of course I canned 21 beautiful pints of homemade sauce

Don't these look yummy?

*ran to the grocery store and did a little shopping (alone!)
*made a steak dinner (with potatoes from our garden, squash and salad) for Joe since he is leaving tomorrow to go to a conference in San Francisco for a week (*sigh)
*cleaned up the kitchen (again)
*cut Joe's hair
*gave the boys a bath and put them to bed
*took pictures of my sauce so I could blog about it!

Now I think I will go upstairs, get a bowl of ice cream and RELAX!


  1. Wow! What a fun, busy day you had. Thanks for sharing, it looks like your boys had lots of fun helping out.

  2. Holy Moly! That sauce is beautiful!

  3. Go you! I wish that I had even half the energy you do! Then maybe I could get something done!
